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Discussing Schumann's Art Song ''Widmung'' and Liszt's Piano Adaptation ''Widmung'' from Different Perspectives of Piano Collaborators and Piano Soloists

國立臺南藝術大學 / 鋼琴合作藝術研究所 / Author:HO,TSAI-JU

Robert Schumann (1810-1856) has composed more than 260 art songs in his music career, including the twenty-six vocal songs collection “Myrthen” before his wedding in 1840. Moreover, the first song of “Myrthen”- Widmung was his most beloved piece. Later on, Franz Liszt(1811-1886), a composer whose expertise was transposing every music genre into the piano solo piece, transposed this favorite art song eight years later.

This thesis divides into four chapters: the first chapter is the life of Schumann and Liszt. It will summarize the essential life experiences of these two composers. The second chapter talks about Schumann's original art song, “Widmung.” It contains the details of Schumann’s composition background. The third chapter will discuss the differences between the two “Widmung.” This chapter discusses the differences between two compositions’ musical structure, speed, strength, and the express terms. And the fourth chapter will discuss how to interpret those two pieces. It will suggest the different role-playing on the piano of these pieces and the consequences of various performing techniques. The final chapter will present the conclusion. After the analysis, it concludes that the piano collaborator and piano soloist should play different role when they perform the repertoire and the performance techniques and interpretation conversion capabilities they should possess.